
Energized Selenite Moon Bowl 10cm Size

Original price was: ₹10,000.00.Current price is: ₹7,860.00. Inc. GST

Availability: In Stock
  1. Energy Cleansing: Selenite is thought to possess purifying properties and may help cleanse negative energies. Some people believe that eating food from selenite bowls can help purify the energy of the food, potentially leading to a sense of increased vitality and well-being.
  2. Enhanced Taste and Presentation: Advocates of using selenite bowls for dining often appreciate the aesthetic appeal of these bowls. Serving food in selenite bowls may enhance the presentation of meals, making them more visually appealing. Additionally, some individuals claim that the unique properties of selenite can enhance the taste or texture of food, though this is subjective and not scientifically proven.
  3. Mindfulness and Spiritual Connection: Eating from selenite bowls may be seen as a practice of mindfulness and intentionality, promoting a deeper connection to the food being consumed. For individuals who incorporate spirituality into their daily lives, using selenite bowls for dining may serve as a way to enhance spiritual awareness and connection to higher energies.
  4. Stress Reduction: Engaging in mindful eating practices, such as using special bowls like selenite bowls, can potentially help reduce stress and promote relaxation during meals. Taking the time to appreciate the beauty of the bowls and the act of eating mindfully may contribute to a more enjoyable dining experience.

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  1. Energy Cleansing: Selenite is thought to possess purifying properties and may help cleanse negative energies. Some people believe that eating food from selenite bowls can help purify the energy of the food, potentially leading to a sense of increased vitality and well-being.
  2. Enhanced Taste and Presentation: Advocates of using selenite bowls for dining often appreciate the aesthetic appeal of these bowls. Serving food in selenite bowls may enhance the presentation of meals, making them more visually appealing. Additionally, some individuals claim that the unique properties of selenite can enhance the taste or texture of food, though this is subjective and not scientifically proven.
  3. Mindfulness and Spiritual Connection: Eating from selenite bowls may be seen as a practice of mindfulness and intentionality, promoting a deeper connection to the food being consumed. For individuals who incorporate spirituality into their daily lives, using selenite bowls for dining may serve as a way to enhance spiritual awareness and connection to higher energies.
  4. Stress Reduction: Engaging in mindful eating practices, such as using special bowls like selenite bowls, can potentially help reduce stress and promote relaxation during meals. Taking the time to appreciate the beauty of the bowls and the act of eating mindfully may contribute to a more enjoyable dining experience.


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You're viewing: Energized Selenite Moon Bowl 10cm Size Original price was: ₹10,000.00.Current price is: ₹7,860.00. Inc. GST
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