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    Natural Gomti Chakra Adjustable Ring In Sterling Silver Unisex Ring

    Original price was: ₹999.00.Current price is: ₹399.00. Inc. GST

    Gomti chakra ring is believed to have several spiritual and healing benefits. Here are some benefits of wearing a Gomti chakra ring:

    1. Protection: Gomti chakra is believed to protect the wearer from negative energies, black magic, and evil eye. When worn as a ring, it is believed to provide a constant shield of protection around the wearer.
    2. Positive Energy: Gomti chakra is said to emit positive energy and vibrations. Wearing a Gomti chakra ring is believed to enhance the positive energy around the wearer and attract more positivity into their life.
    3. Wealth and Prosperity: Gomti chakra is associated with wealth and prosperity. Wearing a Gomti chakra ring is believed to bring good luck, success, and abundance into the wearer’s life.
    4. Healing: Gomti chakra is believed to have healing properties. It is said to cure diseases related to the eyes, skin, and stomach. When worn as a ring, it is believed to help with digestive issues and improve overall health.
    5. Spiritual Growth: Gomti chakra is considered a sacred symbol of Lord Vishnu. Wearing a Gomti chakra ring is believed to promote spiritual growth and help the wearer connect with the divine. It is said to enhance meditation practices and promote inner peace and tranquility.
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