There are 3 aspects that contribute to the positive orgone energy effect from an orgonite pyramid:
1. Casimir Effect – One way of explaining how the orgone pyramid works is through the Casimir Effect. This is a zero-point energy effect. Basically, it’s when energy is created out of nothing (zero-point energy, also known as scalar energy) between two metal plates that are close to each other but not touching when placed in a vacuum.
Applying this to an orgonite (orgone) pyramid, the various metal particles encompassed in resin inside your pyramid become the two plates in the vacuum mentioned in the Casimir Effect. The charge given off by the metals both accumulate and repel the surrounding ether (orgone, prana, chi, life force).
The scalar energy produced by the orgonite pyramid via the Casimir Effect, offers a field of protective shield around the body. Scalar energy radiates a network of harmoniously balanced energies. This energy field is different than traditional understanding of energy in that it expands outwards in circles of energy rather than radiating as waves. This protective shield of scalar energy removes and neutralizes the effects of man-made frequencies (from cell phones, TV, computers, microwaves, cell towers, and other man-made technology) on the body.
2. Crystals and The Piezoelectric Effect – Another theory around the effectiveness of an orgonite pyramid is related to the crystals inside it. Quartz as well as other crystals come with their own charge and healing properties. The resin amplifies these properties.
During its preservation process, the resin inside the pyramid shrinks, which further adds pressure to the quartz. This creates a piezoelectric effect, which states that pressure applied to crystals creates a polarized electrical energy. The Piezoelectric Effect is the ability of certain materials (crystals) to create an electric charge in response to applied mechanical stress (the resin causes stress on the crystals).
3. The Pyramidal Shape – Ancient Cultures across the globe were obsessed with the pyramidal shape. Pyramids have been uncovered in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Mesoamerica, India, China, Spain, Nigeria, Sudan, Antarctica, and many other regions.
According to Joe Parr, a member of the Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association, the pyramid shape naturally acts as a transmitter of universal light energy (aka Source Energy, Chi, Prana) and enables all other elements and vibrations near it to move towards the harmony and therefore making what is negative, positive.
In Tesla’s time, it was found that the pyramid shape has the ability to produce a torsion field (same as scalar or zero point energy).
The result is negative energy from EMF radiation and dead orgone constantly being pulled in to the pyramid where it is accumulated and exposed to electromagnetic friction by the mixture of metals, resin, quartz, and crystals within the pyramid. The crystals and quartz transmute the negative, deadly orgone energy to positive, healing energy as it re-enters the environment.
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